19 Aug 2021 Savanna gives COVID-19 vaccine a shot in the arm
Savanna Premium Cider is an unlikely suspect when it comes to promoting vaccination, however that’s what the Savanna brand has been doing – in a very effective way.
Staying true to the brand’s humorous take on things, the message lands well without it feeling like a lecture, or being reactive or frightening in any way. Local ad guru, Andy Rice, called it ”subtle, refined and responsible.”
Steph van Niekerk, creative director at WPP Liquid / Grey comments: “Savanna doesn’t have the credibility to talk about the vaccine in medical terms, but we very much can speak about it in human terms.
“We wanted to show the everyday benefits of the vaccine and portray them as the side-effects we can expect. As a brand we wanted to do our bit and if this video made one person think of the vaccine differently, then it is worth it,” says Van Niekerk.
The campaign, #OurBestShot, is aimed at communicating that if you take the vaccine and have increased immunity to Covid-19, so many things become possible again. These are the positive side effects – hugging, travelling, socialising.
“Our idea was to create a content piece that celebrates these – what we like to call the real side-effects of the vaccine. It is indeed #OurBestShot to get back to “normal” and to do those things we’ve all been missing.
Savanna Premium Cider RTD category lead at Distell, Maija-Liina Hansen-Chipps says: “Covid-19 vaccines were made available in South Africa since early 2021, and whilst we support freedom of choice to take the vaccine, we also believe it is #OurBestShot to steer our nation through this pandemic and our strongest opportunity to help end this pandemic.
“The WHO supports safe and effective vaccines as a game-changing tool. The vaccination is still not a ticket out when it comes to wearing your mask, washing your hands, and practising social distancing and all South Africans should still follow these rules”.
She further explains, “Savanna Premium Cider, as a brand has a strong affinity with our South African consumers – #SiyavannaSA, and we are well-poised to support government initiatives with positive messages of hope for the future.
“We decided to do this by highlighting some of the real side effects around the vaccination programme in true Savanna spirit. We hope this message rings true in the minds of our greater Savanna community and the country as a whole.”
Another view from Jonathan Cherry
Savanna an “unlikely suspect” to be promoting vaccines? Hardly, comments another marketing guru, Jonathan Cherry, who says there are a lot of business reasons as to why Savanna wants you to get vaccinated.
“But as much as alcohol brands would have you believe that they are just doing their bit to get people aware of the benefits of vaccinations – there are very good business reasons as to why booze brands like Savanna are promoting vaccinations,” Cherry asserts.
“The most obvious one is that when there is no on-consumption of alcohol when economies are in lockdown.
“In South Africa – a non-vaccinated population will lead to an ongoing re-emergence of the virus, which hurts the liquor trade because of government alcohol sale bans.
“So don’t be fooled by the apparent do-gooder sentiment dished out by big-booze trying to make out that you are just doing your civic duty.
“Obviously spreading the message can’t hurt, but also let’s just be very clear that it’s not just about you doing a heartfelt, good deed.
“Alcohol brands are certainly NOT unlikely suspects to promote vaccination messaging.
“If you had been paying any kind of attention to the industry in the last 12-months you would have noticed that liquor brands around the world are doing their utmost to reignite the on-consumption trade – because it makes a huge difference to their bottomline.” See more here…