14 Jan 2019 US: The best of the best soft drinks in 2018
BevNET.com is the foremost website for news on the massive US beverage industry. Its annual awards capture the best of what the soft drinks sector has to offer and set a high bar going into the future. Here’s a look at its ‘Best of 2018’ winners…
Says BevNET’s introductory citation:
As in prior years, BevNET’s annual end-of-year Best Of awards reflect a range of companies, brands, individuals, products, ideas and trends from across the dynamic and ever-changing beverage landscape.
In chronicling the industry day-by-day over the course of 2018, we’ve seen new stars rise and established brands pivot into new directions.
We’ve seen a new generation of entrepreneurs forge ahead with bold and disruptive concepts, and large companies take incremental steps towards unleashing the full potential of the broad non-alcoholic beverage space.
We saw the creation of one of the world’s biggest beverage conglomerates in KDP, while we also saw brands that grew up under the old Dr Pepper Snapple system — such as our Brand of the Year winner, BodyArmor — strike out as major players on their own.
For us, the easy part was finding worthy nominees for these award categories; the hard part was deliberating and deciding on our final selections.
We feel this group captures the best of what the beverage industry has to offer across, and sets a high bar for another year of growth and development across the industry in 2019.
You can view details of all the winners here… and you can get a quick video snapshot of them below…