30 May 2021 How we’re drinking water wrong, according to SA’s only water sommelier
One of the biggest misconceptions about water is that it is just water, but there are ways to consume it that help accentuate its taste, Candice Jansen, South Africa’s only certified sommelier, says.
What gives water its distinct taste is its Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) levels made up of different minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and sodium. The higher the TDS level, the heavier the water.
Unlike wine, which offers a preview of what you will be tasting through how it smells, odour tells you only one thing about water, says Jansen: that you should not be drinking it.
“Water shouldn’t have an odour; that is already a sign of a good water.”
But like other drinks, water has a mouthfeel, which can be important in how you experience it, and can be aerated in the mouth for a proper taste.
Also like wine, here is how you may be drinking water wrong, according to Jansen:
Water is tastier when not chilled: One of the most common water drinking mistakes is that people drink it too cold. The best water is water that is kept at room temperature, Jansen says, and you can taste it better that way too.
And ice in water is bad: “We never throw ice from a different source into the same glass. In fact, water at room temperature, you’re able to perceive the nuances a lot better than if it were chilled.”
Lemon is the arch-nemesis of water: Never include lemon or any garnish in the water, as it destroys its taste.
Using the wrong glass will show you are a novice water drinker: The water sommelier industry frowns upon water served in tumblers.
“We want to give water value, and you want to elevate it at a table. A tumbler doesn’t say anything special about water – when you would ordinarily serve wine in a wine glass to give it that appreciation,” she said.
How to pair water
Some waters have low levels of minerality, while some have incredibly high TDS levels, such as the Slovenian water, Roi, which has a TDS level of 8,000 and is not for everyday hydration. Jansen likens its heaviness to cognac.
All of these elements determine what waters can be paired with different types of food…. See more here…
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