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Black glass – a first for South Africa

Comments Savanna global marketing manager, Gillian Skinner: ‘The objective was to launch a premium and unexpected offering for Savanna – and it was all about standing out from the crowd. We did this by launching the first high-volume product in black glass in South Africa, with gold ACL (Applied Ceramic Labelling). It’s world-class.’

According to Consol’s sales and marketing director, Dale Carolin, Consol is the only glass manufacturer in South Africa able to produce black glass.

‘We’ve always been flexible and proactive in responding to local and international market trends and the incumbent requirements of these shifts. We collaborate with customers to deliver to meet industry needs – and the launch of Savanna Dark in our black glass is no exception. This truly innovative packaging fell directly in line with the customer’s brand campaign at every level. Being first to market gives Savanna Dark adopter status and first-mover advantage.’

Dale goes on to explain that the technical achievement was neither straightforward nor in line with traditional glass container production protocols.

‘This project was a challenge – a challenge to present a significantly-different pack. It took ten months to develop the zero light transmission; and once the technical challenges had been reviewed, tested and production achieved, the next phase was to provide an affordable pack. To make it truly special, the bottle was also decorated,’ he notes.

‘The beauty of glass packaging is it can be adapted to take advantage of what works best for different marketing channels, whether on the shelves of supermarkets, taverns, bottle stores, or pharmacies,’ Dale contends. ‘At 6% alcohol Savanna Dark competes in a market hungry for innovation, style and excitement.

‘From married runs, embossing (internal and highly embossed), push-ups and fore hearth colouring, to black glass, ACL, pressure-sensitive labelling, sleeving, coating and speciality imports, Consol’s value-added service offerings have produced glass containers that promote brand identity, marketability and shelf appeal.’

First published in PACKAGiNG & Print Media magazine, February 2014 issue.