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New decanter concept takes a bottoms-up approach to wine freshness

As a result, we’ve seen vacuum pumps that draw air out of bottles, along with bladders that displace the air by inflating to fill its space. QikVin offers an interesting new alternative, in the form of a vessel that gets “smaller” as wine is poured out.

Users start by unscrewing the gasket-sealed top of the QikVin, then pouring a bottle of wine into it. They then replace the top, and push up on the piston/bottom to force out the air – a one-way valve in the neck allows air and wine to get out but keeps air from coming in, creating a vacuum.

From there, that vacuum keeps the piston sitting up against the “underside” of the wine as it’s poured, holding the liquid up against the top of the vessel with no room for air above it.

Inventor, Harald Tomesch, says that the product should sell for about $99, although backers can grab one for as little as $55 in a Kickstarter campaign starting soon.


See the inventor and his invention here…